An example of a piece of software implementing the Canny edge detection method, as described on the Wikipedia page.

  • Zipped Windows binary, including LGPL licensed Qt libraries and some sample images for demonstration.
  • Zipped Windows binary, without sample images.
  • Source code, without UI design etc. [Licensing: You are free to do what you like with this source, so long as you link back to me, Carl Turner at]
  • Coming soon(?): full [still cross-platform] source, Linux binaries.

Please note that you must extract the full zip file into a folder to run the .exe (because I've attached the various shared Qt library DLLs needed to run the software). If there is any problem or suggestion you have, please contact me using the contact form, or via e-mail at carl AT suchideas DOT com. Thanks!

Warning: I am not responsible for anything that happens to you as a result of you using this software (or indeed this site). Be it upon your head.


Here's what it looks like:

The Orasi environment
The Orasi environment
Running Canny with non-maximum suppression
Running Canny with non-maximum suppression
Using hysteresis
Using hysteresis
Changing hysteresis thresholds
Changing hysteresis thresholds

Table of Contents

Orasi - Canny Edge Detector C++ Implementation

Source for an implementation of the Canny Edge Detector

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